Neuer Artikel über die letzten Amazon-Patente im IPWatchdog Blog veröffentlicht
Lagerung unter Wasser, Drohnen und Verfahren zum Unterdrücken von Preisvergleichen im Internet –Amazon-Patente haben in den letzten Monaten für viele Diskussionen gesorgt. Das hat uns dazu bewegt, die Entwicklung der Patentwerte in der IPC Klassen der Patente zu analysieren. Ziel war, mögliche Strategien von Amazon zu erkennen.
Wir danken IPWatchblog für Interesse an unserem Artikel und die Veröffentlichung. Unter dem folgenden Link können Sie die Analyse von Dr. Dierk-Oliver Kiehne lesen:
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„The futuristic concepts of one of the largest and constantly growing US online retailer have been intensively discussed online during the last few months. No matter if the new inventions build the future of the retail, or whether they remain unrealized, it’s fascinating to analyze the intellectual property strategy of Amazon. This article examines some of the latest Amazon patents and the technology field they are in from a patent quality and patent value point of view.
At first sight Amazon’s patent portfolio is indeed remarkable, with respect to its total value as well as its development over time: the total value of the company’s patent portfolio shows a strong over-proportional growth within the past six years. Starting 2010 with about 550 patent families and € 130m, the patents have reached a total value in September 2016 an impressive total sum of € 1,15b with 4,162 alive patent families. For a company being recognized as a retailer this is indeed remarkable and shows the trend of being more and more a high tech company. This can be seen within their strong increase of total patent portfolio value but also the technical analysis…“